

i am broken in two so sad for this world and each step you go through. my heart sits in the pit of my stomach, churning restricted oxygenation, threatening tears burning

they don't deserve souls like yours they can't begin to understand mistakes you'll make, but minds like yours stand tall, take it in, learn, experience to expand.

i know our journey has barely begun yet i fear i don't have the grit needed to help us navigate, i'm tired and defeated by my own experiences unchecked egos, in pain, incinerating everything in their wake, desecrate.

i've been training all my life for depth and meaning, cultivating skills found deeply embedded in the tectonic planes, but i fall short, i miscalculated, such unpredictably shallow terrain.

i lack the competence of how to pilot the surface to hold your hand through this forsaken climb. i am so so sorry for failing you, i have no clue what to do, but i promise i won't stop, not ever, growth in endless refine.


#poetry #tween #thisagesucks


Liar Liar, Autonomy set fire to the relationship I’ve tried to cultivate with you. Pain in my soul, Where did you go?

My magical little girl, innocent, pure-hearted, and sweet Too quickly, qualities replaced by manipulation, lies, and deceit.

Who are you?

Do you even know? Don't you see, up ahead, the impending undertow?

Please, I'm begging you Stop! Think, Weigh your options before you go.

Starts with one poor choice, leading to another, There are so many better ways to find yourself, rediscover.

This isn't you, or could it be? Never have been more uncertain watching your unrelenting extraversion pushing, going, never stopping desires and values, tight-rope walking

Child, Child, The reason for hope The air that I breathe.

Where have you been hiding? fickle natured, presiding. Once known for the kindest and purest of hearts, ancient, sovereign goddess, trapped, so much wisdom to impart.

#tweens #eldest

#Ramblings Today, you are three, So much life in such little time growth no longer feels cyclical, preserved innocence, benign. As the third of the bunch movement is constantly unfolding, Feeling sorrow for the missed carpet playtime, stories, and playdough molding. It’s so fast and yet unbearably slow. Painful duality of motherhood: Grow, but don’t go. Need me, but not so much please be somewhat independent the only experience so grounding while being transcendent.

#motherhood #mothergood #thisisthree #unspokenstruggles
